Ethnic Studies with professors and hiring power
Major Cultures with classes on colonialism and race
responsibly through community input
Increase administrative support

This is what we are fighting for. Support the strike & sign the petition. Contact us at

Friday, November 16, 2007

Joint Statement from Administrators and Students

Any successful negotiation results in an agreement that enables both sides to claim victory. In this case, however, there is only one winner and one side, because we all share the same commitment to building a better Columbia.

The administration recognizes the deep seriousness of the student strikers' commitment to institutional changes that will reduce the marginalization experienced by some of our communities and enhance inclusiveness for all.

The students recognize the strength of the administration's commitment to advancing change through the channels that represent the interests of the whole Columbia community.

We have worked hard together to bring these two imperatives into complementary relationship and we are confident we have succeeded.

Coming to this agreement has required a great amount of trust; trust that we must continue to build and sustain together.